Direct Dye Sublimation OR Dye Sublimation Transfer

There are two distinct fabric printing methods referred to “dye sublimation.” Each process has distinct characteristics with distinctly different results. Here’s the side-by-side comparison:
Direct prints directly to a receiving fabric
Transfer prints first onto a transfer paper sheet
One step to fabric, then heat
Two steps to fabric, paper first, then fabric
Crisp line detail not as sharp
risp line detail is sharp, due to paper sheet

Requires use of special pre-coated fabrics
Good for textural and smooth finish fabrics
Limited selection,not knits nor meshes
Broader selection,knits and meshes included
Dot gain, some spread
Dot gain minimal; prints on paper first
Resolution quality not as fine
Great resolution, prints to paper first
Inherently dries duller by comparison
Great color quality, colors pop
Lower costs due to single layer step
Higher cost slightly, more labor & materials
Tension on fabric required to print
Tension not required, paper receiving is flat

Direct dye sublimation printing is a one step process which requires pre-coated fabrics.
The fabric is printed on directly, and then heated for sublimation. The pre-coated fabrics are available in the smoother surface fabrics only. With textured surfaces, there would be greater dot spreading. The apparent resolution is not as optimal as in transfer printing. When budget is a concern, viewing distances are great, and faster turnaround times are required, then direct dye sublimation is your solution.

Vision, a professional manufacturer of sublimation paper .



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